Hello fellow NG-ers :)!
So I made for the first time a song. It's called My Newgrounds and was made during the "My Newgrounds" era. I do the rap and my mate Jurian did the music. I know the rap isn't so good. But that's because I ain't Blacktastic. Yeah, that's my voice *blush*.
Also after a bit of slacking I started to go on with my tankmen movie. It's really starting to look cool. Also it's now a lot easier working since I got a new tablet, it's a wacom bamboo and I recommend to all of you if you want to start using a drawing tablet. The preview movie's of tankmen is a lil' outdated and I'm a lot farther, I'll have to post a new one '-_-
Also some things I would like to mention is that my mate Jurian would like some people to write some lyrics for a song with a lot of similarity to Green, Piano. He would definitely be very happy if you'd contribute to the making of a new song.
I'm also busy with looking for good tech specs and price for a notebook, if you wanna help me go to this thread, thanks!
And as last here's a very nice flash showing 50 reasons to step over to AS3 (at the bottom there buttons to scroll to the left and right).
Oh boy, I got a lot of work to do for the flash :(